måndag 10 oktober 2016

Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Exercise 3

During this exercise our goal was to develop a conceptual design. Through three different brainstorming exercises we developed two rapid off-line low-fidelity prototypes. Since the aim for the application is simplicity, both proposals are quite similar. There are however differences in the way the information is presented. We also discussed various techniques that can be applied in the design phase

  • Since our app is simple we concluded that, at least for the time being, we are not trying out a "wizard of oz"-approach. It's assumed easier to get a software prototype up and running instead of someone playing the role of our system(app).
  • We also concluded that a participatory design method is infeasible since we do not have the time to include end-users in our project.
  • After low-fi prototyping we will move on to generate one, or a few, mock-ups to get a better feel for the application.

Parallell Design

Through the parallell design two views were constructed. This was due to the different choices of scenario and pain points. The first was a result of our persona Ben needing information regarding surrounding places of interest, while the other was pur secondary persona Susan needing time-table information. This resulted in one map view and one augmented reality view.

Collaborative iteration

We then went on and did a collaborative iteration starting from one of the initial designs of the parallell design exercise. Through the iteration this then came to include the idea of the second design, namely the map.

Word Association

The word association exercise gave rise to the idea that the map should be stylish and simplistic and only present information related to the route. No simple embedded google maps with too much information.


We then iterated the above exercises to yield another proposal. The result of this was that we all realized that we had focused only on landscape mode design in the previous iteration. The second proposal was considering portrait mode instead which introduced certain limitations, due to a smaller width. We then discussed different ways of presenting information to the user. One was a sliding view from the bottom showing the relevant information after a user clicks.

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