söndag 2 oktober 2016

State of the art analysis - Sajaval Choudrey

State of the art analysis – “Wikitude”

The project group has decided to venture into the field of augmented reality. The last time we met we discussed the possibility of making an app where travel information connected to sights surrounding the ferry was the main focus, instead of information regarding timetables and trip planning. The group unanimously agreed on an app where augmented reality would be used to display information regarding the various sights visible from the ferry. The idea is to have users point their smartphone camera in the direction of any major location while on the ferry, upon which information regarding the location is shown in real time on the smartphone screen, with AR. In order to create and conceptualize a good app it is necessary to look into some of the technologies and systems that are currently available in the field of “AR”. I have looked a bit into the an augmented reality SDK called “Wikitude”

“Wikitude” is, quoting its official website, “The world’s leading augmented reality SDK (Software Development Kit)”. The technology is compatible with several different platforms, amongst them are “Android” an “iOS”, which are the most relevant for the project as we are targeting travellers with smartphones. It also promise to deliver good performances on the latest smartphone operating systems, as well as their older versions, meaning that it can help us target travellers with a wide variety  of different smartphones.

The API (application programming interface) of the application is promised to be simple to use. Little to no programming skills are required to start using the Wikitude SDK, which means an easy to use and understand interface that saves a lot of time in the process of making the application.

The most vital aspect of Wikitude, for us in this project, is that it provides the tools to create location based services. This is necessary so that we can connect specific locations with elements of augmented reality. The elements of augmented reality that are to be displayed with the help of location and geo-data is customizable meaning that we can tailor it to the needs of our specific application. The augmentation can be in the form of videos, images and 3d models etc.

The SDK is also compatible with several different mobile software development tools such as “unity 3d”, “Appcelerator Titanium” and so on. This makes the integration of “AR”, for developers already familiar with the above mentioned tools, quite straightforward.

As one can tell from reading this, Wikitude seems to be a perfect match for our project, at least on paper. However many reviews mention that the SDK is far from a complete system and still has several points to work on in order to be regarded as a fully polished SDK. Compared to many other AR applications and SDK’s, Wikitude, is still regarded as “worthwhile” and usable.

The picture below shows an example of how augmented reality can be used with the help of the Wikitude SDK. The application that is shown below is “The Speaking Celt” and can be used by visitors at the Museum of Celtic Heritage in Salzburg
The Speaking Celt

The Speaking Celt

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